4th NATIONAL JUNIOR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2011 – 19th to 23rd December 2011

The Malaysian Chess Federation will be organizing the 4th National Junior Chess Championship from 19th December to 23rd December at DATCC, Wilayah Complex, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, Kuala Lumpur.
As per the previous editions, the championship will be played over 9 rounds using Swiss Pairing system with a time control of 90 minutes plus 30 seconds increment per move per player from move 1.
The event is open only to Malaysian citizens born on or after 1991 i.e. 20 years of age and below, and the Champion will be awarded the title National Junior Masters by the Malaysian Chess Federation.
Registration fees is RM60 for players with a FIDE rating and those without FIDE rating, the entry fees shall be RM100. The closing date for registration shall be 16th December 2011 and additional penalty fees shall be imposed for those who register after the closing date.
For further information and clarification about the event, please contact Mr Gregory Lau at +6012.257.7123 (Email: msianchess2010@gmail.com), Mrs Haslindah Ruslan at +6019.206.9605 or Ms Zuraiha Wazir at +6017.283.7808 .
Registration forms for the event can be downloaded using the following link:www.chess-malaysia.com/NATIONAL JUNIOR 2011.pdf
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